Recording and Webcasting site launched

Our first two mini-courses are now online with launch of our new website at After extensive research and testing we chose Hugo, Academic and Wowchemy.

The Zen of course content delivery

There are many ways of releasing educational content online and a variety of business models. Over the past year we have looked at online providers such as Teachable and Thinkific. We then tested Wordpress and Learndash, then Wordpress with Edwiser and Moodle. Yet all of these solutions added massive complexity which restricted our ability to create new content and set up blocks to learning for you, the user.

Flat file static sites are FAST. Like, really, really fast. We thought long and hard about migrating to a flat file site because it meant that we would be unable to monetise the training in the traditional way. So we took a leap of faith and offered our content for FREE. Hugo is the world’s fastest static site generator. Academic is a theme for Hugo with a built in template for structuring course content. Wowchemy is a CMS for Hugo with Git-integrated deployment and delivery system provided by Netlify.

And now you can have access to our courses on the fastest platforms available. YouTube delivers our video content and you can head over to YouTube and watch all the courses organised into ‘course’ playlists. But you can also view the courses here, on a blisteringly fast website that puts the videos in an easy to access structure, supported by a resources page and some text-based course material such as simple questions to prompt your memory.

We would like to thank the team at Wowchemy for the Academic theme which is open-source and provided free of charge… and we would like to thank you for visiting and hope you find the content on this site useful and helpful in your professional journey.

Wishing you all the best in your endeavours, Joel Marks

Joel Marks
Joel Marks

Developer of on-line educational resources, electronic music producer